Submit to One Another Sunday, October 31, 2021

Pastor Kevin Muyskens

Submit to one another. That word, “submit,” carries all kinds of emotions for us. Whether in work, school, or family relationships the journey of submission is often a bumpy road. Why does God teach his people to submit to one another? How are we to practice submission today in a world that has seen so many abuses of dominance and submission? What if the flip side of submission was not dominance, but love? This is what we see demonstrated by Jesus and what he calls us to imitate when we are instructed to “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

Sermon attachments

Ann Page 10-31-21.pdf
Bulletin 10-31-21.pdf
Bulletin Insert 10-31-21.pdf
Session 4 Encourage and Submit.docx
Submit OL.pdf