What we believe

Christian Reformed Doctine

We believe the Bible is the authoritative Word of God and contains everything we need for salvation and life.

We Profess the Creeds of the worldwide church: the Apostles Creed, the Athanasian Creed and the Nicene Creed.

We are Reformed. We believe in the SOVEREIGNTY of God over all of life and creation. We believe in God’s COVENANT PROMISES to us and our children. We are a member of the Christian Reformed Church of North America.

Our beliefs and teachings follow these three confessions: The Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dort.

Six Habits of Fully Devoted Disciples

  • Worship

    Worship, for the fully devoted disciple, is a response to God who has called us to reflect in awe upon who He is: Our Creator, Deliverer, and Sustainer, Worship may take various forms, but the purpose is always to bring God praise and to celebrate God’s abiding love for his people. Not only is worship an integral part of the Christian’s daily walk with God, it is also part of the corporate experience of God’s family.

  • Prayer

    Fully devoted disciples practice Paul’s admonition to pray without ceasing by conversing with God throughout each day: praising, thanking and adoring him, and interceding for others. Believing in the power of prayer, we set aside regular times of prayer in which we demonstrate our reliance on God for direction and guidance.

  • Community

    Fully devoted disciples seek to create an atmosphere of warm fellowship and unity within the congregation where they love brothers and sisters in Christ by meeting others’ needs with grace. We intentionally devote time and resources to developing a few close Christian friends with whom we share our lives daily.

  • Discipleship

    Fully devoted disciples believe that our spiritual growth never ends. Being open to the Holy Spirit’s leading, we have a hunger for God’s Word and related Christian teaching that drives us to read, listen, discuss, and implement those teachings. Christ’s command to make disciples guides our ministry to both covenant children and unchurched neighbors.

  • Giving

    Fully devoted disciples display generosity and joy in sacrificially giving as a response to God’s constant provision. They recognize that all material possessions belong to the Lord, so as stewards we practice the Biblical concept of tithing our first fruits. Further we “excel in the grace of giving”–freely sharing with neighbors in need.

  • Service

    Fully devoted disciples serve our neighbors in Christian love with the hope of seeing them come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. We serve in the church by owning the various ministries and supporting them to the best of our ability. Further, we passionately give ourselves to one or more ministries (within or outside the local church) in such a way that the goal of the ministry becomes a goal of one’s life for which we are willing to give joyfully, generously, & sacrificially of time, energy, and finances. We serve for the glory of God, the strengthening of the church, and the salvation of our neighbors.

Small Group Principles

  • Care
    To love and be loved 

    Fully devoted disciples desire to be in authentic relationship with their small group community. We choose to care for others more than we care for ourselves. We give of our time, energy, and resources to become examples that display Christ to others, thereby strengthening their walk with God, healing their past and freeing them to care for others.

  • Humility
    To serve and be served

    Fully devoted disciples desire to be in authentic relationship with their small group community. We choose to live humbly knowing the world is much larger than ourselves. This leads us to serve a broader community; providing for those who lack provision. This humble service leads both giver and receiver to life change.

  • Discovery
    To know and be known

    Fully devoted disciples desire to be in authentic relationship with their small group community. To have authentic relationship we must know one another deeply. Christ knows the real us, and he desires that we share a genuine life journey with other believers to be able to weep, rejoice and grow together.

  • Encouragement
    To celebrate and be celebrated

    Fully devoted disciples desire to be in authentic relationship with their small group community. We encourage one another by celebrating our joys together, because life’s joys bring hope in Christ. Sharing life outside one’s self fosters participation in the joys of others.

  • Truth Telling
    To forge and be forged

    Fully devoted disciples desire to be in authentic relationship with their small group community. Therefore the members speak truth with wisdom to one another that leads to spiritual growth in both the truth teller and the truth receiver, resulting in peace being brought to the community.